Categories: life

Survey Found Women Prefer Dad Bods Over Six-Packs

According to a new University study, the majority of women prefer men with dad bods over men with chiseled, muscular bodies.


The news follows days after several celebrities such as teenage heartthrob Nick Jones and Aquaman actor Jason Momoa have been accused of growing a dad body.


While the majority of people believe women love nothing more than seeing a six-pack on a man, the University of Göttingen teamed up with Clue, a health app designed for women, in order to come to the bottom of the matter.


In their study, the researchers questioned 68,000 women only to discover that personality is far more prized than one’s looks when it comes to choosing a partner.


In addition, 45% of the women revealed that they prefer a man with an average body type for their long-term partner, while 35% admitted they desire muscular, athletic physique over dad bods. Only 2.5% of women, however, have expressed interest in incredibly muscular physique aka washboard abs.


“What people want in a partner has fascinated researchers and laypeople alike for decades,” Dr. Tanja Gerlach, the study lead, expressed.


“The Clue Ideal Partner Survey is unique in that women from all over the world – across various sexual orientations and life phases – gave us rich insight into what matters most to them.


“This allows us to draw a very differentiated picture of women’s preferences for long-term, and short-term relationships.”

Louis Loucaides

In addition to the physical looks, almost 90% of women claimed that kindness is the main quality that a man should have. Following this virtue there were also confidence, supportiveness, intelligence, and education.


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