The heatwave has hit the weather and we are melting (not literally yet but hey, anything can happen right?) in such weather where we would not even like to leave our cold homes, most of us have to go to the office with blazing heat and depression of work.
The blazing fans, open windows, and a wet towel is not enough to give your body the right amount of cold you need. It will still be extremely hot.
The temperature has hit the bar of 37c and probably it is going to go even higher for some days before getting back to normal. Yes, it is becoming unbearable and this is why the Trade Union Congress (TUC) is coming with a plan to fight and provide comfort to the employees.
They are demanding to let the workers go home to take care of their health if the temperature hits 30c when it comes to in-office workers and 27c for the manual workers.
They are also demanding for the employers to make appropriate arrangements to keep the workplace cool as soon as the temperature rises above 24c.
Yes, there is no legal limit for the workplace temperature yet but the employers have been ordered to keep it cool and soothing for the workers. TUC is working on the measure to make it legal and till then they have suggested a few tips to the bosses.
The bosses must make the working hours flexible to give workers ease while they are still productive. The dress code should not be too strict for the time being. The workers should be allowed to take a few breaks to chill down.
They should be allowed to suggest ideas to keep the workplace cool and bearable. Bosses should try to keep the workers comfortable.
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