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World’s Most Tattooed Doctor Opens Up About the Discrimination and Obstacles She Has to Face in her Daily Life

y4 7.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - World's Most Tattooed Doctor Opens Up About the Discrimination and Obstacles She Has to Face in her Daily Life

Tattoos, now no matter how hippy this sounds, each one of us is fascinated by tattoos.


No matter what people say on the outside, everyone loves them on the inside.

Yes, not everyone has enough guts to cover their body in these beautiful creations but they definitely have no right to discriminate or make life difficult who have them inscribed on their bodies.

World's most tattooed doctor

A woman, whose body is covered with tattoos all around and who believes that she is the world’s most tattooed doctor, shares how she faced too many obligations on her choice of body modification as she tattoed herself all around.


Well, for the right reasons, it is her body and no one has the right to tell her otherwise.

Dr. Sarah Gray, who is a native of Adelaide, Australia has a great fascination for tattoos. She got her first when she was just a 16 years old girl.

Today, most of her skin is covered under beautiful tattoos that she loves.


The woman has spent more than 3 hundred hours under the needle getting tattoos all around her skin.


The woman is ideal for so many tattoo enthusiasts around the globe but she says that she faces so many obstacles and discrimination on a day to day basis in her life.


“It happened one when I and my partner went out to dine. We were sitting in pour seats when the manager came and asked us to leave. He said that they have a no visible tattoo policy and that is why I was not allowed to sit there.


It happened once more as when I was out to buy a pair of designer heels. I went to the store and was waiting there for the right size of the shows I asked for.


I kept waiting but no one would come to assist me or even make eye contact. All the other customers were being assisted and treated fine except for me.

I waited there for quite a very long time before a before I gave up and walked out of the store. I am happy that I saved my $1000 that day.”


She said that she was able to talk her way out of the situations many times but it is not always possible. Sometimes, people are just so stubborn to hear anything about it.

She says that it is very frustrating every time and she ends up ruining her day and her mood everytime an incident like this happens.


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