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Wrigley Heiress Chartered Private Jet For Marine After His Dogs Were Kept From Boarding The Flight

a 9.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Wrigley Heiress Chartered Private Jet For Marine After His Dogs Were Kept From Boarding The Flight

When the US Marine Andrew Morales was planning to take his 2 dogs along with him on a commercial flight, he learned that they were not allowed on the airplane due to their big size.


Andrew was extremely sad because he had been reassigned to another area and had no option but to leave his pets behind.

However, a kind-hearted woman sent help to the dejected soldier just in time. The woman was Helen Rosburg who is the great-granddaughter of William Wrigley – one of the pioneer chewing gum industrialists of the world.


When Helen heard the news that the Morales family would have to leave their dogs behind, she simply sent them a private jet.


“He was going to lose his dogs and I said ‘Not on my watch,’” Helen said. “He’s a hero on so many different levels. The Wrigleys are an extremely patriotic family and I am a true Wrigley child.”

Andrew shares a strong bond with his two Anatolian Shepards, Wyatt and Dusty, as he rescued them during an overseas military tour a few years ago.


The two dogs and Andrew have since then stayed together. “In Afghanistan, they are pretty much your best friend,” he told WWAY.


So when the soldier was transferred from the south of California to Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, he became worried about how to take his dogs with him.

He reached out to several airlines to see if any of them allows his dogs to travel with him but always got the same answer. At last, he called the rescue league that helped in the rescue of dogs from Afghanistan in a desperate attempt.


And although the rescue league couldn’t do much to help him, they shared Andrew’s story on the social media which soon went viral and made its way to Helen.


Helen, who is the founder of the On The Wings of Angels Rescue organization and is also an avid supporter of the US Armed Forces, was more than happy to help the distressed US Marine.

“Everybody in my circle knows what I do,” she said. “If they see an impossible situation, they’ll post something to my [Facebook] timeline.”


And as you can guess, the Morales family was absolutely thrilled to learn that their dogs were going with them.

“From the bottom of me and my wife’s hearts we really appreciate what she did for us,” the soldier said.