Categories: Healthlife

These Simple Yoga Exercises Will Help You Remove ‘Face Fat’

A perfect jawline and toned face increase your beauty much more.


We pay attention to our body and exercise daily but forget to do facial exercises. If you have a slim body and chubby face you will look fat. Don’t worry we share some best yoga tips for your face so you can achieve the look you have always wanted to.

These simple facial yoga exercises will help you lose face fat and also slow down the signs of aging from appearing on your face:


Fish Face

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Do you love clicking selfies with a pout? So you will love to do this facial yoga pose instantly because all you need to do is just suck your cheeks in like you do while making that fish face in your selfies. Next, hold that position for the seconds and try to smile widely as you can with that pout.

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Cheek workout

This will help you to reduce chubby cheeks, Take the air into your mouth and close the mouth. Start blowing air for 10 seconds, move the air to your left cheek and hold it for 10 seconds. Now, do the same with right cheek also. Repeat the exercise for 10-15 times.


Chin lifts

If you have double chin it will help you to get rid of this problem

Move your head towards your back and pulled your lips together tightly

Repeat the exercise 10-15 times, just make sure in this exercise only lips should be used and no other body part.


Simha Mudra

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Just kneel down comfortably place your palms on your thighs. Next, stick your tongue outwards and stretch it downwards forcefully, try to extend it as much as you can, exhale and make a roaring sound like a lion.


If you do this facial exercise daily you will get the perfect jawline and you would not need to contour your face. These yoga steps will help you reduce unnecessary fat and give you a perfect shape.


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