The best thing about puzzling riddles is how they manage to make you think twice, at first glance!
That’s why we’re asking our smart readers to take a break from their daily schedule and see what’s in store today! Remember, this puzzle is definitely a tricky one so be careful while answering!
Below, there’s a riddle that has managed to keep social media on the tip of its toes. And that’s because so many viewers just couldn’t figure out the right answer! Remember, those who came close to the answer really thought outside the box! And we hope you will too.

As wrong as it may sound, this puzzle is asking you one simple question! Can you think of something that men carry around in their pants but women certainly don’t want in their face?
Remember, it’s not too difficult but yes, definitely requires a little extra thinking! Above all, the answer is something really common so there’s no reason for you to worry!
Have you nailed the answer? Let’s scroll down below and figure out how well you’ve done!
If you chose WRINKLES as your final answer then congratulations! You certainly have a brilliant IQ!
It’s time for puzzle number two! Let’s see how well you can do here! Good luck!
These young kids have been given a task to find a lost mask at the museum! While they’ve searched for it everywhere, they just can’t seem to locate it! Do you think you can help them out by figuring out where the mask is?
Zoom in, the mask is right in front of you!
This whole time, the mask was with the young boy, near his bag pack. Sadly, no one noticed it. What about you?
SHARE with us your feedback on this challenge and don’t forget to spread the article amongst your loved ones and friends too!