Categories: life

Young Father Convicted for Heinous Behavior

It is crazy how some people treat their babies.


Recently, a young father thrashed his six weeks old son and then claimed that it was because he hugged him too tightly.

The baby got injured really severely and suffered from 28 fractures on the head, ribs, and shoulder.


Lee Vernon, who is 21 years old, has been jailed for this action and is described as manipulative liar.


The harsh father caused severe injuries to the baby’s body.


The child was immediately transferred to the Kings College Hospital in London, but he couldn’t survive more than three days and passed away.


The doctors found that the kid had various damages in his ribs and bled to the brain.

The convicted said that he accidentally dropped the baby and then tried to revive him by hugging but somehow injured the baby.


The man also accepted smoking cannabis and drinking the previous evening. The baby was in an unresponsive state and passed away after three days of the incident.


When the doctors examined the baby, there we severe damages in his ribs, severe bleed in the brain, broken collar bone, and much more. The baby was in a critical condition and was on the life support machine in the hospital for three days before he passed away.


The doctors claim that the head injury was caused by shaking the child severely and holding him firmly. The father kept saying that his son got hurt because he was trying to hug him too tight out of panic of making the baby calm down, but there were signs of some significant shaking, which caused the bleeding in the baby’s head.



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