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Young Lip Filler Addict Undergoes ’21 Injections’ In Quest For World’s Biggest Pout

A 22-year-old student is going viral after receiving her 21st lip filler injection in a quest to obtain the world’s biggest pout.


Andrea Emilova who reportedly hails from Sofia Bulgaria claims she is willing to do whatever it takes to enhance her already massive lips. Moreover, the student says that she’s also received a total of 21 lip-filled injections but doesn’t plan on stopping with the ordeal, anytime soon.

Source: YouTube

Despite receiving plenty of warnings from experts who advise her to stop pumping up her lips using fillers made from hyaluronic acid, this young woman fails to pay any attention. Moreover, she explains how she loves the size and shape of her extremely large pout.

Source: Pictures Quality

Currently, Andrea’s lips are so massive in size that the upper lip touches her nose. After receiving her new fillers, she claims they have managed to quadruple in size, despite medics warning her of the consequences that lay ahead.

Source: New York Post

On the other hand, the cosmetic procedure certainly doesn’t come cheap either. Yes, the 22-year-old claims she has reportedly spent massive sums of cash that plumped her pout using hyaluronic acid, which is a substance that the body normally produces too.


“Just two weeks back, I completed my 21st injection dose because I wanted to enhance the volume in my lips so that they could appear bigger in size,” she explained.

Source: YouTube

But with time, the hyaluronic acid continues to undergo breakdown by the body naturally. Hence, after just a few months, Andrea says she must add more filler to prevent her lips from shrinking in size.


Despite moving ahead with her future plans of injecting more lip fillers for a massive pout, the student says that she was warned several times by doctors how more filler content would prove to be dangerous for her.

Source: Good Times

“My doctor is very worried about me, claiming my lips were just too big. He wanted to remove all of my fillers but I blatantly refused. I told him my goal is to make them larger, not smaller!”


Clearly, for this young woman, there is simply no such thing as a pout too big.