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“You’re The Problem With The World”- Utah Teacher FIRED For Bashing Trump & Anti-Vaxxers

t1 90.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - "You're The Problem With The World"- Utah Teacher FIRED For Bashing Trump & Anti-Vaxxers

A chemistry teacher from Utah was recently fired by the school district community after she began her bashing rant against former US President Donald Trump, parents, as well as anti-vaxxers.


The teacher fired off in an alarming leftist rant direction which led to her untimely dismissal. Leah Kinyon currently is no longer working for the Alpine School District after a recent video call of her verbal rant went viral around the nation.


Moreover, the shocking incident sparked a major outcry with an investigation being ordered by the school into the matter.

Source: Lehi High School

Leah Kinyon went as far as attacking the students personally, where she ordered those who went against her ideology to leave or ‘get out of her classroom.’ In case they felt the need to disagree with her, she was also quick to tell them that they were a major problem to the world.


Meanwhile, school officials did not hesitate in condemning her behavior, calling it inappropriate from all angles of the spectrum. In the same way, higher officials from the school were also quick to call the teacher out for portraying such negative thoughts instead of doing her duties.

Source: Fox News

“We expect each and every teacher to do their duties diligently and stick to the core curriculum at hand,” mentioned another officer.


One student who recorded the exchange mentioned that rants such as these were commonplace for her classroom and it would no longer be tolerated, by any means.

Source: Daily Mail

Similarly, plenty of students mentioned how they no longer felt safe in the classroom with her around. And that was the point where the authorities felt that enough was enough and it was no longer acceptable to behave in this manner.

Source: FOX 13

From Tuesday onwards, many questioned the teacher’s whereabouts where it was revealed that she was placed on immediate administrative leave for voicing her thoughts against the former US president, anti-vaxxers, as well as the parents of the students seen in the community.